Organizing Timeline
Countdown to a Successful Walk Event
Many Organizers benefit from an even longer time-line than that below. Different communities may need more time than that indicated below. Some Organizers plan a year in advance, especially for their subsequent annual Walk Events.
Purchase an Authorizing Ticket & License
6 Months Before
Form a Planning Committee
Choose a site and time
Contact local City Councilmember’s and/or other elected officials who might help with equipment, permits and other needs
Contact and make an agreement with a local Publicity Partner/Beneficiary (unless you are the Organizer and qualifying Beneficiary).
4 Months Before
Apply for permits on your own as needed and necessary
Contact law enforcement re date, location, numbers expected to attend, security
Contact potential speakers and emcee
Contact potential entertainers
Request proclamations
Order Walk merchandise
Reserve necessary equipment you haven’t otherwise secured (to arrive on-site 1-1/2 hours prior to start time)
3 Months Before
Start recruiting volunteers
Contact Friendly Press Contacts and Talk Show Hosts
Commence community outreach/crowd building – distribute flyers, post posters, announce at community, business, organization, union, and other meetings
Send flyers to coalitions and other groups with request to distribute to their membership via mail
Week 4 Send Press Advisories and Public Service Announcements
Conduct initial media follow up to check receipt and assess early interest
Confirm emcee, speakers, and guests
Set program
1 Month Before
Train volunteers
Month Of
Send Follow Up Press Release – Re-contact media
Reconfirm Emcee, Speakers and Guests – check content of remarks to talking points
Reconfirm Entertainment and Equipment
Day Of
Assemble and orient volunteers on-site (1-1/2 hour prior to start of event)
Commence Set up (erect tables, chairs, stage, hang banners/signs, place podium, set out flyers)
Check/Test Equipment (sound, still and video cameras)
Site check volunteer capabilities (registration, speaker greeters, media intern, logistics support, etc.)
Check-In Tablers from Friendly Organizations
Check-In Walkers/Sign Up Movement Volunteers
Check-In Media and Conduct Interviews
Start Program on Time
Line up Walkers
Start Walk on Time
Security accompanies Walkers with bull horns (if using public sidewalks, this is extremely critical)
Ready Massage Stations and Welcoming Entertainment (optional)
Clean Up
Return Equipment
Videotape news coverage
Week After
Meet with Planning Committee and evaluate event
Submit your Post Walk Report.
Send high-quality photos to Walk headquarters.
Write and send thank-yous to Speakers, Volunteers, and Walkers.
Start planning for next year’s Walk Event.
2005 - Pocatllo, ID, USA