Get Large-Sized Women’s Shoes Early!
It is difficult to find women’s shoes in sizes large enough for most men. Most men and women do not know what size women’s shoe a man would wear. Many men wear a size 13+ in women’s shoes. Make sure you buy large numbers of large-size women’s shoes early. A Walk without enough men wearing high-heeled shoes will not have the impact to successfully transmit the Walk message.
We once had a Walk Event shoe provider, Bernie Fatla at LeDame Footwear. Bernie retired and we have not yet found a replacement shoe provider for bulk orders of shoes.
Depending on your organization's resources shoes can be provided as follows:
Organizers Provide Shoes
We prefer this option because it ensures the Walk image (dramatic and uniform shoes) and makes it easiest for men to participate. We recommend having a minimum registration fee that covers the cost of the shoes. We recommend you have the men return the shoes at the end of the Walk so the shoes can be used again for the next Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Event you organize.
Do not use miscellaneous donated shoes or flip flops. Walkers will miss the experience intended by Walking in high-heels. The personal impact will be diminished. The visual impact for spectators will be diminished. If you cannot afford the proper shoes for the Walk, it is better not to organize a Walk Event.
Men Obtain Their Own Shoes
This is our least favorite shoe option because it makes it more difficult for men to obtain shoes and decreases the chances that there will be enough men in high-heeled shoes for the Walk.
Photos of Men in Heels
We appreciate the courage it takes for men to stand up and walk in women's high-heeled shoes. Photos of these men can encourage other men to take up the cause and stand against gender violence. We hope you'll take photos and share them with us.
Some organizations have used wording such as that below when men are signing up to Walk to remind them that they will be photographed and to obtain permission. It is also helpful to post signs around the march reminding men that photographs are being taken.
Disclaimer Wording
Consider using wording such as this for your registration forms. We recommend consulting with a lawyer before using such wording.
In consideration of my entry in the Walk A Mile In Her Shoe®: The International Mens March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence, I, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and cares for damages I have or may hereafter have against the organizers of this event., its principals, its employees, all sponsors, and their representatives and all claims of damages, demands, actions, whatsoever in an manner as a result of my participation in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® event, including travel to and from the event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use my name and likeness in any broadcast, telecast, video or print media of the event without compensation.
Natalie: The Official Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Shoe